Importance of Compacted Smooth Surface during Road Construction:
In road making process several layers of sand, rocks,
asphalt and other materials. For keeping the layers intact it’s very important
to compress these layers to remove any spaces and air gaps.
With each single layer,
an intensive amount of compacting process is carried out on the layers using
the road rollers.
Since each material need a different amount of pressure to
get its required compaction done in required manner thus it’s very important to
choose the right road roller in proper size.
During rolling process, operator generally don’t have
complete idea about the ground surface, the ground staff is guides the operator
about the situation. At certain points especially near the edges large rollers can’t
operate easily thus, at those points smaller rollers like hand rollers are
These small road rollers don’t generate similar amount of
pressure like the large ones but they are very effective .Also at side edges ,
there is not much pressure need thus usage of small rollers is not much issue .
But compaction need to be done very good, performance and
smoothness of the road is dependent on this compaction process. Any fault
during compaction process will result in future deterioration.
Like road rollers, it is also important that the material used for support work like heavy second hand wheel loaders , bulldozers should also be used in an effective manner . All these machines work in synchronous manner during machine operation .